Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Grats From my Couch

I'm writing tonight's gratitude list from the comfort of my own couch. I am thankful that I was able to figure out how to work having Internet at home into my budget. With all I'm doing with the blogging, writing, my book, etc... social media is really important and I realized I needed to have it at home. (Of course I recognize "need" in this sense isn't need in a food and water type of need... but it will make doing the things I am trying to do much easier having Internet access at home.)

  • I am thankful I found good service with my local provider and am not locked into a contract. It took all of about 5 minutes to hook it up this afternoon and I'm good to go.
  • I am grateful for time in the Word this morning... Psalm 33:20-22 particularly struck me: "Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you." Such powerful words here. I am again struck by the phrase steadfast love... it just keeps repeating over and over and over. If God mentions that phrase so many times in His Word there has to be a reason - I really feel like He is emphasizing this point to us. His love truly amazes me and I am so grateful that His love is steadfast... it is immovable, never changing... no matter how much I change... God's love NEVER changes!
  • I am thankful for a great day at work... it's amazing how a change in my attitude has made work so much more pleasant!
  • I am grateful for my kitties... as I type, Miss Molly is curled up on the couch looking adorable and Buddy is curled up by my side purring away. I love my babies!
  • I am grateful for enjoying this week... for not constantly wishing for the day or week to be over... but learning to live in the NOW and enjoy each moment.
I am grateful for you...


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