Wednesday, November 27, 2013

We Had a Good Run

The three years before this year I posted a total of 113 posts. Before I started my new blog I could tell that I was easily on track to far exceed that total this year. If you include posts on my new blog I have already far exceeded the number of total posts from my first three years on here.

Originally I thought I would keep this blog going but keeping two blogs going is a bit much when most of what I want to post I am posting on my new blog.

I know I had attempted to start doing my gratitude list on here, but was not doing well at that. Thankfully I found a group of ladies who e-mail each other daily and that has been working well for me. I have been doing my daily grats list that way and it is encouraging to read the others' gratitude lists as well. I am always encouraged and challenged by what they share.

I hope, at the end of my life I hear these words - that I have fought the good fight and finished the race, keeping the faith. That is my goal... even though my blog has moved I am going to continue running the race, seeking to finish well.

If you haven't already, please subscribe to my new blog, you can enter your e-mail address to have them e-mailed to you when I post.

Thanks for joining me in these few years where I began my blogging experience!

Running the Race to the Finish,


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Gratitude Struggles

Last Thursday I posted this post on my other blog about my struggles with my gratitude list. I intended to post on this blog every day a list of things I'm thankful for but I have found that is not working. I have a new plan. I am going to keep a list each day and post it once a week. I will write at least three things I am thankful for each day and will post it weekly. I know that this is something I need to do in order to keep my attitude in check!

I want so much to walk and live according to God's ways and I pray that He would continue to teach me to do that.

Today I am very grateful for so many things and I will conclude with that and then next Sunday will post the list of things I kept during the week this week.

I am grateful for:
  • My church - I never cease to be amazed at how the messages and songs each week speak so clearly to my heart and right where I am. I am so thankful to be part of a church that teaches, preaches, and practices the principles of Scripture. 
  • I am thankful for the challenge God gave me today to rely more on His grace to help me in my times of struggle and temptation. I continue to struggle with having the attitude that I know would please God at work. It is so easy to become like those around me and be short tempered when I know God wants me to be loving and patient. It is my prayer that this week His grace would strengthen me and enable me to be who He wants me to be and act how I know He wants me to act.
  • I'm thankful that God never gives up on me. I fail every day but God's grace and mercy meet me every single time I fail. He is continuing to work on me and make me into the woman He wants me to be.
  • I'm thankful for friends. I am very blessed to have amazing friends in my life who love me, encourage me, challenge me, and are a constant source of joy in my life.
  • I am thankful for my fur babies. This week they spent an hour "almost snuggling" on the couch. It sure did this Momma's heart good to see them getting along so well after only 9 months together.

  • I am grateful for my job and the luxuries it afford me. I have good benefits and a steady income and I get along wonderfully with the boss I deal with most directly. Even though there are things that irritate me about my job, no job is perfect and I am grateful for the many positive things in my job.
  • I am grateful for you... my readers and followers who have been with me as I first started blogging. I didn't realize when I first started blogging that it would turn into a self hosted and owned domain name and the prospect of writing a book. Thank you for your encouragement and being with me through the journey.
With gratitude,


Saturday, October 19, 2013

Saturday Grats

Yesterday morning on the way to work I was completely awed by the moon - it was SO bright... I did some reflecting (no pun intended) on it as I was driving - and a blog post on my other blog will follow later. But, for now I wanted to share this picture - my phone doesn't do it near the justice it deserves, but it was all I had. It truly lit up the sky and was amazing - it was the morning before the full moon so it wasn't quite full but it was AMAZING!

Today I am thankful for:

  • the beauty of God's creation and how He speaks Truth through it.
  • a nice afternoon yesterday hanging out with a teenage girl from church who has had her fair share of "suck" in life. I love blogging and writing, but sharing one on one with someone is amazing and I thank God for the opportunity to be in this girl's life and pray that He can use me in her life.
  • a relaxing evening of doing nothing - just relaxing and NOT thinking!
  • being able to get some things done today even though my brain is feeling disjointed and discombobulated.
  • that even though I am not walking/jogging/running in the Marathon or Half Marathon tomorrow, God has given me grace in dealing with myself through the process. I wrote more about that in my other blog.
  • a three day weekend... I have some stuff I really want to get caught up on and am looking forward to some extra time to get things done. I am grateful for a boss who believes a football game is a completely legitimate reason for taking a day off of work!
  • my church family... I am reminded every day for the many reasons I have to be grateful for them. They are such a blessing.
  • a good time visiting with a friend today while she was out doing some "retail therapy." I always enjoy talking to her and she helped me so much by just listening as I was dealing with an awkward situation with a friend. It helped just being able to talk out loud about it, and even though I felt a little bad because she probably wanted to talk through some of "her" stuff, she willingly listened. Good friends are such a blessing and I am indeed blessed.
  • not having anything planned tonight. I am planning on enjoying a nice relaxing evening at home and getting to bed early so I don't mess up my sleep schedule too badly!
With gratitude,


Friday, October 18, 2013

Wrapping up the Week - Continuing in Gratitude

Yesterday's "Grat Post" can be found on my other blog where I have devoted Thursdays to be "Thankful Thursdays".

This morning I am grateful....

  • I am thankful for an evening of rest last night. I really didn't do anything that required too much thinking. I played with the kitties, hung out on Facebook, watched some TV and just chilled. It was a nice change of pace.
  • I am thankful that I was able to get up this morning at my scheduled time and work on my "hustle" and my dream. I have committed to this new schedule, and while I know there are days it just might not happen (I am a perfectionist and like to thing that isn't true) but I'm also a realist and I know there is going to come that day when I decide to get some extra sleep or that I just NEED some extra sleep. This morning I wasn't excited about getting up like I have been all week, but I was disciplined and just got up and I am glad I did. 
  • I am thankful for a good week of work. I HAVE found myself looking forward to the weekend a bit more this week than I had been... perhaps because I have a THREE DAY WEEKEND to look forward to. I am looking forward to getting some things done this weekend.
  • I am thankful for my tendency to "stock up" on groceries. Because of this, I only need to buy a few things to get by for next week and can use the "extra" money toward other things.
  • I am thankful for my health. I haven't been taking the GREATEST care of myself and yet I am doing well health wise. I am trying to do better - I'm walking on my breaks at work, but it feels so much like I am starting from scratch. I get winded so easily and I want so badly to get back into better cardiovascular health. I would love to get off some of the medication I had to go on last year because of my health issues. I have my physical in May and maybe by then I can shed some much unneeded weight and be in better health enough to go off some of the medication.
  • I am grateful for an e-mail response I got from someone yesterday. I didn't really expect to get a response but felt so honored that he took the time to respond to my message. I feel so blessed!
  • I am thankful for opportunities God is opening up before me - how His hand is blessing my life and things I am striving to do. It's been a long time since I've "felt" so connected to God in every area of my life.
  • I am ever thankful for you... those who have been here since the "beginning." This blog has been such a journal of my life... I didn't start out intending it to become what it did. I am so grateful to have had a place to write, to pour out my heart... and to you... who read or read and respond... you are listening. Growing up I just wanted to be heard... I wanted to be listened to when I was hurting, and I wasn't. I was turned off and shut down and turned away. I guess I should thank Google for giving me a platform to speak from. :-)
Ever thankful,


Thursday, October 17, 2013

Busy Grats!

I didn't get this done last night, but it's only 4:30 a.m. so that counts, right? "Night-owl" Sherri would have still been up at this time sometimes in the past! ;-)

  • I am grateful for the cooler weather. I am a little sad we haven't had any consistent days with highs in the 60's, but I don't like the HOT and am glad to be done with it. (I'm NOT ready for Winter, but am enjoying Fall!)
  • I am thankful for such a great week at work. I continue to thank the Lord for the attitude shift He's done in me!
  • I am grateful for a 3-day weekend coming up. Yes, I took Monday off because the Colts and Broncos are playing Sunday night. I am still rather torn about who I'm rooting for, but am leaning toward the Broncos (does that make me a bad Colts fan... yeah, I think it does) But, I am a Peyton Manning fan more than anything! He is an amazing player and person and I have the utmost respect for him. I'm kinda still ticked at the Colts for letting him go, so I will be sporting my Manning jersey Sunday!
    • I am grateful for the extra day to get caught up on some cleaning, some reading, and some writing.... I know the day will go too fast, but I am thankful to have it!
  • I am grateful I have been able to get up early every day this week to work on my writing and blogging and doing things I love. It's amazing what a difference it makes in my day!

I continue to be ever grateful for you!


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tired Grats

Day four of #OperationNightOwlTransformation is coming to a close and I am tired. But I am also very, very grateful.
  • I am grateful for the Truth of God's Word which penetrates my heart. I posted this Facebook status this morning after I got busy working on my blog because I was so excited about a "famous" person submitting a guest post on my other blog... "I was reminded this morning to make sure to keep my number one goal serving the Living and True GOD! I got so excited about Pete Wilson agreeing to guest post for me that I got busy on that BEFORE spending time in God's Word. I was very convicted when I read this from 1 Thessalonians 1:9: " turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God..." Yes, even our dreams can become idols if we are not careful. I am thankful for God's grace this morning... that He is not surprised at my poor decision to put my dream before Him this morning and that His mercy is new every morning... and every moment we come to Him!"
  • I am so thankful for the doors God is opening and the obvious fingerprints of God all over things taking place in my life.
  • I am grateful for the opportunity to have Pete Wilson guest post on my blog this morning.
  • I am thankful God has given me so much energy to do what I need to do to get up in the morning and "hustle." I have been amazed at how He has helped me get up and get going and all He is doing in my life and through me... a simple, ordinary girl who is still quite broken, but God is using me in the midst of it all.
  • I am thankful for an opportunity to have my new blog promoted for free.
  • I am grateful for an opportunity to use my organizational (OCD'ish) skills for good with a group I am involved in.
  • I am so grateful to have a wonderful boss at work and that work has been going so well since my attitude has shifted... my job hasn't changed, people haven't changed, "stupid" things that happen haven't changed - my attitude changed and it has made all the difference!
  • I am thankful that I had an awesome session with my counselor and we are going to really start unpacking some issues in our upcoming sessions and doing some serious work on working toward healing and shutting up all those lies that have filled my head for so many years and affect me in my life even when things are going well.
  • I am thankful for sleep... and that I get to go to bed in 5 minutes... I am tired... I have been going all day....
  • I am ever thankful for all of you... this blog is what jump started my new blog and my working on a book. 


Monday, October 14, 2013

EARLY Morning Grats

I've always written my “Grat List” at the end of the day. But as I sit here this morning, in my “time to dream” in my new schedule, I'm kind of stuck...
I've gotten some stuff done, finished some “work” there was to do in the book Quitter which I just finished reading, sent a few e-mails about some possible speaking opportunities to share my story with some youth. But, I looked at the clock and still had plenty of time and needed to write... I spent a lot of time working on some writing on stuff possibly for my book this weekend and was kind of at a standstill. My goal is to write 500 words a day, in some manner – whether it's blogging or on my book. That goal may need to increase to 1,000 words a day as I can easily put out 500 in a blog of “grats” and then I wouldn't get any work done on my other blog or my book.

But, I decided this morning to start my morning with my “Grat List.” I don't know that I will do this every morning, but THIS morning... this Monday where I am starting with my new schedule of getting up at what I sometimes refer to as “stupid o'clock” in the morning... I thought I needed to focus on gratitude.
  • I am grateful this morning that although I woke up a couple of times in the night, I fell asleep early and slept well. I was able to fall back to sleep when I did wake up and woke up actually feeling refreshed and ready for the day (although more coffee may be required)
  • Which reminds me... I am thankful for coffee... ahh... and for a coffee pot with a timer so I can wake up to that wonderful smell!
  • I am grateful for an awesome day yesterday and that God literally held me up as I got up and spoke at Gabe and Matt's farewell lunch. I was able to share my heart and gratitude to them and their amazing wives for all the ways God has used them in my life.
  • I am grateful that I was reminded yesterday that NOTHING ever takes God by surprise. God knew when I came to Grace 3 years ago that at this time Gabe and Matt would be leaving. When this happened, God didn't think, “OH NO! What will I do now? How will Sherri get by without them? How will the church get by? How will the youth survive without Gabe?” NO! God knew this day would come and He will provide for all of our needs! God never has “OH NO what will I do now?” moments. God knows. God is in control. I can trust Him and have complete faith in His provision for all of my needs, the church's needs, and the needs of our youth. God's got this!
  • I am thankful for a possible opportunity for some free promotion of my blog. A friend from HS who does that for a living has offered me some free services. We still need to talk details, but I am excited and SO grateful for this friend.
  • I am thankful this morning for friends. I have the best friends and am so blessed.
  • I am thankful for a brother who isn't going to toss me aside because he's moving away, but that will be my brother even if he moves to another state or country, because family is family PERIOD. I thought I had that once and was hurt so badly and I am so grateful to God for giving me the best brother a girl could ask for.
As always... I am grateful for you... my readers,


Sunday, October 13, 2013

Grats for a Final Sunday with Two Amazing Familes

I spent all day yesterday with 2 cards to write out to our youth pastor and his wife and my small group leader and his wife as today is their last Sunday at our church. God has called them to plant a church and they will be working with an existing church and core group to start a new church. I am super excited for them. I have no doubt that God will use them in this new opportunity He has brought to them to further His Kingdom and that it is a good GREAT thing that they are following the Holy Spirit's leading.

However, in the past 3 years these people have grown very dear to me and I am going to miss them something fierce! I'm a writer... words of affirmation is even my primary love language, yet when it comes to saying thanks to people who have meant so much I feel like words are so inadequate. But, it's all I've got and it's my prayer that they will truly hear the heart behind these words and know how precious each of them are to me in their own way. It may seem weird to be doing this in a "public" forum, but I've been publishing my "Grat" list here lately and today my heart is overflowing with gratitude for these four people and all they have meant in my life.
  • I am thankful for Gabe - he has been my pastor (even though I'm not a youth... although I may act like one sometimes), he has counseled me, he has been my friend, he has been a co-worker in ministry as I worked briefly on the Jr. High Staff, he has become my younger "big" brother who I desperately needed after being basically tossed aside by my former "adopted brothers." He was there for me when I was at one of the lowest points of my life and helped to push me back to professional counseling where I needed to be to get the help I needed. He unknowingly recommended a counselor who previously attended the church I used to go to that hurt me so badly so he gets the dynamics and who also knew my Daddy before I was even born. Talk about a "God-thing." He relentlessly picks on me and teases me just like any good brother should do... but at the heart of it all I know he cares and that he has my back.
    That is priceless and words are inadequate to thank him for being the friend and brother that God knew I needed. Thank you, Gabe for being my "big" brother. Thank you for your words of wisdom when I was faced with some people from my past who hurt me deeply... your quotes were sometimes even good enough to turn into "art."
  • I am thankful for Wendy - her smile and sweet spirit are so very cherished. She has always made me feel so welcomed and loved. She has been an encouragement to me just by the life she lives. She has been an example to me of how a woman after God's heart lives her life. Watching her interact with her kids: the way she loves, cares for, encourages, and even corrects her children are an example to me of a mother's love the way it should be. It blesses my heart to just watch her be a wife and Mom. She is an example to me and I look up to her greatly and thank God for the time I had to spend together. I'm also thankful for the time we got to spend teaching her kids that cats are wonderful pets despite anything their Dad might say about cats! ;-) I'm glad the kids got time to play with Buddy - he enjoyed it... and hopefully they can come to meet Molly sometime before they move (or after... at least they aren't going too far!) Thank you, Wendy, for being a friend, an encourager, and a shining example to me of a godly woman.
  • I am thankful for Matt - it started out as just some counseling... I needed it, couldn't afford professional counseling and he needed the experience for his seminary degree. He really has a gift for counseling... asking the right questions, helping to challenge you to think about things in light of God's Truth. I'm thankful for the time Matt spent counseling me and helping me deal with some hard things. I'm also grateful that he was there with Gabe when I was at that low point in my life and needed that push to go back to professional counseling. He and Gabe were instrumental in helping me to see what I needed even though I didn't want to see it. I'm thankful for the time I had as a member of his small group - I thoroughly enjoyed studying books and Scripture with our group and appreciate the leadership he gave in that group. I'm thankful that they welcomed me into their group and loved me right where I was, which was a huge mess. Toward the end I withdrew a lot from the group because of my own issues. I felt bad for that but Matt, as well as everyone else in the group understood and didn't pressure me to do more than I could do. That was such a different experience than what I had when I withdrew from some people in my previous church... rather than being understanding, they were demanding and unloving. Matt and my whole small group were part of what helped to renew my faith in the Church... and for that I am extremely grateful. Thank you, Matt, for your words of wisdom, patience, and friendship.
  • I am thankful for Marisa - she played a big part in welcoming me to the small group and feeling like I actually belonged. After the hurt I had previously experienced, this was needed in a big way. She opened her home to me week after week. I loved watching her with her kids... she is another awesome example to me of a wife and mother. I didn't have a good example of that growing up and I am so grateful to her and Wendy as well as so many in our church who are amazing examples of godly women. Her and Matt invited me to spend one Easter with them with Matt's parents and I appreciated so much the thoughtfulness of the invitation to spend the holiday with them. I am also grateful for Marisa teaching me that it is OK to not always wear matching socks. This picture was from when I was doing laundry one time and was missing two socks, but was left with this "pair." I actually learned to purposely wear non-matching socks and it didn't even kill me. Thank you, Marisa, for being so welcoming, for being understanding in times of my butt-headedness, for being an example to me by the life you lead.

A couple of additional notes: Both Gabe and Matt were greatly used by God during times they preached and taught (Gabe in Jr. High Youth Group and Matt in Sunday School) God has gifted you both in bringing God's Word to life and in teaching in a way that engages those you are teaching. Also, I regret not spending more time with Wendy and Marisa and getting to know them better than I did. Life being crazy as it was for me the past few years, and them being the wife to men in ministry and moms to their awesome kids make it hard to spend the time together I wish we had.

On a not so serious note: Matt: never forget that white chocolate is NOT chocolate. Gabe: no matter what you say MY FAVORITE COLOR IS GREEN! I know you like to believe you are always right, but in this case you are very, very wrong!

Phil 4:6-7 is my prayer for you all in this transition time to your next chapter in the journey. I pray that God's peace will surround you and that you would not be anxious or worried but fully trust in our God Who will provide and care for you.

I really wanted to write out a card for each of you, but every time I sat down to write them I just stared blankly at the paper and then God gave me this idea. 

I hope that through the years I have been at least half the friend that you have all been to me.

I thank God every time I remember each of you and am so grateful for your friendship. This isn't "Good-bye" - it's "See you later" 

With gratitude and love,


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Weekend Grats

I realized when I got up this morning, that although I thought several times last night, "I need to write my Grat post today." that I never got it done. However, I was grateful yesterday for many things.

  • I was really grateful that even though I was glad it was Friday I hadn't been anticipating it all week and had a really good week at work.
  • I was grateful for the challenge in the book I was reading to try to become a morning person in order to really have the time and energy to pursue my dreams and passions. (More on that can be found on my other blog.)
  • I was grateful for a new coat from Lands End that I purchased from a swap site for only $30 - it's a great coat and should keep me plenty warm in that "season which shall not be named"!
  • I was grateful for a grocery store trip to the local grocery store in Slater - there's something about the quaint little small town grocery store that is fun. The selection is more limited, but sometimes for me that is a good thing... less impulse buying!
  • I was grateful for an enjoyable evening relaxing and getting to bed at a decent hour.
Then came this morning... and it came early... Saturday morning and I was up around 5:00 a.m. - even took this picture to prove it! ;-) I woke up before my alarm and felt well rested. Now THAT is something to be grateful for!

But there's more!
  • I'm grateful that getting up this morning wasn't a chore - I woke up refreshed and excited for the day ahead of me.
  • I'm grateful for sweet time in the Word this morning and a cup of nice hot coffee to go with it.
  • I continue to be grateful for the steadfast love of the Lord. As I am reading the Psalms for the 2nd time this year I continue to be amazed at how many times that phrase is used.
  • I am thankful for a nice 1.5 mile walk/jog under the stars this morning. (*note to self - next time, walk/jog first, THEN read and drink coffee - doing it in the other order is a BAD idea!)
  • I am grateful for accomplishing some goals this morning.... I wrote over 1,600 words this morning and might not be done writing for the day yet (and that doesn't count these words!) I also finished a book and started another one.
  • I am grateful for grace that I can give myself - I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to today but still have some of the evening to get a few things done and I have tomorrow as well. I am thankful I am learning to be not so hard on myself when things don't go the way I want them to (which is more often than not!)
  • I am thankful that I am tired... as strange as that sounds, I need to get into a routine of going to bed early on the weekends so I can meet my goals of keeping my schedule during the week.
  • I am thankful for this time of year - I love the cool mornings and the temperatures are looking perfect in the forecast. Although the "season which shall not be named" is coming up, this time of year is filled with such beauty and I can not wait to start feeling the crunching of the leaves beneath my feet as I walk/jog during this time of year.

I continue to be ever grateful for all of you.


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Crazy Day Grats

This morning at work, I was on my way back to my office from the rest room and got a glimpse of the sunrise from the door to outside. I had to go out and take a picture... this picture from my phone doesn't nearly do it justice, but it was breathtaking! As much as I hate getting up in the mornings - seeing things such as this are definitely worth it! God is an amazing artist!

  • I am grateful today for God's artistry... the beauty of this picture is just amazing and even though it isn't nearly as awesome as it was live, I'm glad I captured it... thanks in large part to my small bladder and constant rest room runs! ;-)
  • I am grateful today for sweet time in God's Word this morning and reminders to press on toward the call of God in my life. (Phil. 3:14), that we should rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS (Phil 4:1), that I don't need to be anxious about anything but can take all my requests to God (Phil. 4:6), that God gives peace that SURPASSES ALL understanding (Phil. 4:7), that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13), and that God will supply all of my needs (Phil. 4:19). I was also reminded what my focus needs to be on: "whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." It is hard to get up early enough in the morning to spend quality time in the Word but I am striving to do so - it makes a world of difference in my day when I do. I do have the Bible on CD and can listen on my way to work, but there's something about sitting down with a cup of coffee at the table and just concentrating on reading the Word and hearing from God.
  • I am grateful for a sweet time of prayer this morning. I'm not going into details here because a full blog will likely be coming on it later, but I am simply amazed at how the Living God, the Creator of the Universe calls me His daughter and I can talk to Him as my best friend. I am so amazed at His steadfast love and how no matter what I do, how I fail, NO MATTER WHAT - His love for me stays the same. He is SO good!
  • I am grateful today for how God is changing my attitude. Today was an absolutely crazy day at work... it was one thing after the other... strange things... things that have almost never happened occurred today. At one point I thought I saw the light at the end of the tunnel... then I realized the light was a train and it soon ran me and my boss right over! A couple of weeks ago I would have called today one of the worst days ever... instead God gave me grace to handle what I needed to and I only got short tempered once or twice. Granted, I would have rather not gotten short tempered at all, but in the past I would have been much worse and seeing progress is awesome! And, when I fail... God's grace meets me right where I am.
I am grateful for you...


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Grats From my Couch

I'm writing tonight's gratitude list from the comfort of my own couch. I am thankful that I was able to figure out how to work having Internet at home into my budget. With all I'm doing with the blogging, writing, my book, etc... social media is really important and I realized I needed to have it at home. (Of course I recognize "need" in this sense isn't need in a food and water type of need... but it will make doing the things I am trying to do much easier having Internet access at home.)

  • I am thankful I found good service with my local provider and am not locked into a contract. It took all of about 5 minutes to hook it up this afternoon and I'm good to go.
  • I am grateful for time in the Word this morning... Psalm 33:20-22 particularly struck me: "Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy name. Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in you." Such powerful words here. I am again struck by the phrase steadfast love... it just keeps repeating over and over and over. If God mentions that phrase so many times in His Word there has to be a reason - I really feel like He is emphasizing this point to us. His love truly amazes me and I am so grateful that His love is steadfast... it is immovable, never changing... no matter how much I change... God's love NEVER changes!
  • I am thankful for a great day at work... it's amazing how a change in my attitude has made work so much more pleasant!
  • I am grateful for my kitties... as I type, Miss Molly is curled up on the couch looking adorable and Buddy is curled up by my side purring away. I love my babies!
  • I am grateful for enjoying this week... for not constantly wishing for the day or week to be over... but learning to live in the NOW and enjoy each moment.
I am grateful for you...


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Quick Grats for the Day!

  • I'm so thankful for constant reminders of God's steadfast love!
  • I'm grateful for grace! No matter how often I screw up... and I DO screw up... God's grace NEVER EVER lets me down.
  • I'm grateful that I was able to look at my budget and figure out I can get Internet back at home. It's been a bit stressful without it... trying to do my website, some changes I want to do, blogging, etc. I will be going with local service from Huxley this time and look forward to much better service than I had before! I know many friends who are very happy with them. 
  • I'm grateful for a meeting with my mentor this afternoon. She has such a loving spirit and is so encouraging and challenges me to be more like Christ every day!
  • I'm grateful for friends... without them I'd be a mess! I am truly blessed with the BEST friends!
With gratitude,


Monday, October 7, 2013

Thankful Reminders

 Today I am thankful for a couple of great reminders from God's Word:
  • Phil. 1:6 "And I am sure of this - that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."
  • Phil. 1:27 "Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ..."
 I'm so thankful that God never gives up on me and He will complete His work in me!

I'm also grateful for the reminder to live my life in a worthy manner in all that I do!
I am grateful for my time with my "younger big brother" It was fun to just chat and catch up a bit. I'm gonna miss not seeing him every Sunday, but thanks to modern technology, he'll never be too far away.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blessed Beyond Measure

  • I am grateful today for the cooler weather.  I love this time of year and truly enjoy having my windows open and snuggling under a blanket because of the cool breeze coming into my apartment.
  • I am grateful today for a wonderful morning of worship.  I love singing praises to my Lord and being under the teaching of God's Word.  We wrapped up a series on the Hope of Heaven today and as if I wasn't already longing for Heaven, the longing is even stronger now.  I'm thankful for sweet fellowship with my family after the service.  I am truly blessed beyond measure.
  • I am grateful for washing machines being available when I went to do my laundry. I spent several years in an apartment with my own washer and dryer and got quite spoiled.  I am grateful that today I didn't have to wait, but could get my laundry going when I wanted to.  Sometimes it really is the little things!
  • I am grateful for the Sabbath. I need this day especially this week as I've been feeling especially overwhelmed.  I'm thankful for time to relax, watch football, do some writing and snuggle with my kitties.
  • I am grateful for God helping me to write a "thank you" card that was especially difficult to write.  Being a writer, I can usually find words to express myself, but this one was hard... my words seem so inadequate to express the depth of gratitude to this special person in my life.
  • I am grateful that the lies of the enemy are being smothered by the Truth of Christ!
  • I am grateful that no matter how I feel, God always remains the same... His character doesn't change no matter how I feel.
With gratitude,

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Attitude of Gratitude

Most people know that this is one of my favorite passages in Scripture. For so many years I tried to figure out what God's will was for my life and I realized this verse makes it quite simple:
  1. Rejoice always.
  2. Pray without ceasing.
  3. Give thanks in all circumstances.
None of these are easy, but it is right there, spelled out for us in Scripture what we are to be doing. That last one trips me up... it says ALL circumstances. It doesn't say to give thanks when everything is going great, when your family is healthy, your job is going well, your friends are all cheering you on, you have no money problems and everything is just peachy keen in your world... no it says ALL circumstances.

This means when someone gets cancer, your job is stressful, you have friends who desert you, you have debt you can't see any way out of and things just look like they couldn't get any worse... give thanks.

I wrote a while back about how I wanted to get back to doing my gratitude journal in this post. I did well for a while but it hasn't been going very well lately. So, I have a new plan... from now until the end of the year I am going to post a gratitude post on here. I was trying to figure out a way to have a separate page on my other blog for gratitude posts but I couldn't figure it out. I may post some of my gratitude posts on that blog, but the plan now is to post them here on my personal blog.

Since I don't have Internet at home anymore, many of them will be written from my phone, which isn't ideal, unless I can get them written at work... but some days may be shorter than others. The point is, I want to get back to having an attitude of gratitude EVERY DAY!

So, here's today's gratitude post:

  • I am grateful today for a great night sleep. I fell asleep fast and slept a good 8 hours for the first time in a very long time. It wasn't a restless sleep, it was a nice peaceful sleep and I woke up feeling refreshed and ready for the day.
  • I am grateful for "fall in a cup" aka pumpkin latte from Solid Rock Coffee House here in Huxley... it is the bomb! I had 2 cups of decaf today.... topped with whipped cream and cinnamon and nutmeg and it was absolutely delicious!
  • I am grateful today for a beautiful day... although I have spent most of it inside at the coffee shop I have enjoyed the sunshine and blue skies through the windows.
  • I am grateful for the cooler weather... I am ready for fall!
  • I am grateful for getting so many things done today: I got some Bible reading done, I finished a book I was wanting to finish today (The In-Between by Jeff Goins) which I HIGHLY recommend. I wrote some about how it impacted me in a blog on my other site:
  • I am grateful for getting to watch an online "launch party" of a book by a Pastor in Tennessee called "Let Hope In" by Pete Wilson (this post is starting to feel like an advertisement for books) But, the "launch party" featured some amazing people that I have followed online and in the music world, along with Jon Acuff which is where I even heard about the online "launch party." I took 4 pages of notes from the discussions that the author had with various people. God really spoke deeply to my heart.
  • I am grateful that God has been speaking to me about slowing down, not worrying about that next big thing... I know God wants me to write "My book" but I am not on a time-table and I don't have a deadline. I am a bit overwhelmed with building a "Platform" on my website and getting a following (aka - a "Tribe") I know these are things I need to do, but I spent almost 3 years blogging just what was on my heart when it was on my heart and figuring out an editorial schedule and all the ins and outs of the process is a bit overwhelming. I am grateful God is reminding me that Rome wasn't built in a day and I can take my time and do what I can when I can and that I can work on my passion and dream and make an impact for Him in the day-to-day of life. Yes, my book will get written, I just don't know when at this point.
  • I am grateful for healing God is doing in my life. Two weeks in a row I have been faced with the same situation dealing with a person from my past that used to be family to me. Today when I was faced with it, I didn't have the same sinking feeling that I did last week... I felt pretty matter of fact about it, I didn't shed a tear, I didn't let it ruin my day. GOD DID THAT! It was amazing and I am SO GRATEFUL!
  • I am grateful for a relaxing evening ahead of me... I am definitely a home-body and I am looking forward to a night relaxing at home with my kitties just chilling out.
  • I am grateful for God's steadfast love - He keeps reminding me over and over and over again how His love is immovable, unshakable, constant... unchanging. That is a remarkable thing to me and I am very grateful.
  • I am grateful for God's grace. I know that I fail every day. I know that there are things I need to do differently in my life, but God's grace meets me where I am every day... His mercy... oh, how I am grateful for His mercy... 
  • I am grateful for my friends... I really have the most amazing friends ever!
  • I'm grateful to you... my readers... those who have followed my blog for so long.... thank you for sticking with me... for being a great support and encouragement.
With gratitude,


Monday, September 23, 2013

To Internet or Not To Internet - THAT is the Question!

After realizing that the Internet service I had gotten for a really good price wasn't going to meet my needs and debating back and forth on which Internet service to sign up for, something dawned on me:
I know that might come as a shocker to some, but it is true. I stopped and thought about how much time I spend sitting on my ass when I could be doing something - exercising, writing, reading, praying... the list goes on and on and on.
So, as of today I do not have Internet at home. I have an awesome coffee shop where I can get wi-fi when I need it. I also have my "smart" phone so I won't be completely off the grid. Spending money on Internet when there is so much more I can and should be doing is just not wise for me right now and I am trying to live more wisely.

solid rock
Solid Rock Coffee House, located in Huxley, Iowa
This whole process got me to thinking about how complicated we sometimes (often times) make life. I have friends who are missionaries in third world countries where running water is a luxury, where having food at every meal is not taken for granted, where kids are running around in bare feet because they have no shoes. And we think we HAVE to have Internet available to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. I know not having Internet available to me at home is not anywhere CLOSE to the same thing as what people in other countries have to deal with.
But, for me, at this moment in time in my life, it has become necessary to say I don't need to spend the money on having wi-fi available to me anytime I want. I will have to be more conscious of using the time I do have online better - not just cruising around online for fun. I will have to be more intentional of how I use my time that I have been wasting online. I will rearrange my schedule so I can come to the coffee shop to do what I want to do after work and then I can go home to exercise and get things done at home. 
This is not the end of the world as we know it. I will survive!
Signing off,

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Just a Note

Just wanted to drop a note to anyone following this blog. I am not giving up this blog, but I will be posting twice a week (at least that is the goal) on my new blog: Not Too Broken for God

This blog will stay up for more personal things, not that there won't be anything personal on my other one. But, I just wanted to let you all know that I will be found more over there. You can subscribe by e-mail, or I can subscribe you if you are more technologically challenged (although it is VERY easy) Just let me know if you want me to sign you up. I would love for you all to follow me over there. I am working on a book, trying to build a platform and a "tribe" of people who follow me - that is key in publishing so please come join my "tribe" if you haven't already!


Continuing to run the race set before me,


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Friday, September 6, 2013

Still Running... Walking... Hobbling...

For those who remember, I was signed up to do the Des Moines Marathon last year and wasn't able to do it, or the half marathon for that matter. So, they offered to let me defer my registration to this year. The original plan was to do the full this year. Well, life being life, I realized early on that wasn't going to happen and changed to the half marathon. I had a 16 week plan all set up and a few weeks in hadn't done anything. So, I found a 12 week plan and decided I would hit the ground and get after it. That didn't happen either so I found a 10 week plan.... yeah... good thought but again, things were not moving... or I should say I was not moving! On Sunday, September 1st one of my friends posted on  that he was starting a Facebook group called #mileaday to enourage people to walk, jog, run, bike... do something for a mile a day in the month of September. I saw this Sunday evening and clicked "join" thinking this would help me get started. Then I started having second thoughts.

  • Do I REALLY want to commit to this?
  • Do I REALLY want to put myself out there publicly with this commitment?
  • Do I REALLY have this in me?
Well, just moments before I could click "cancel request to join" I got a notification that I had been approved to join the group. 


Now I had done it - I was in... to bow out now would be embarrassing (as if anyone would have noticed) But, I was in so I laced up my shoes and hopped on my elliptical and got a couple miles in before the day ended.

The next morning I got up and went for a 3 mile walk. I was only planning on 2 miles but was feeling good so did a bit more. Tuesday my feet were killing me. The plantar fascitis was back with a vengeance. I slept with my night splint on that night and Wednesday morning it felt a little better. I realized I needed to be more disciplined about wearing it if I was going to get through the next 7 weeks. I worked out a training schedule that I thought was reasonable that would prepare me for the half marathon on October 20th. This is what I came up with:


Some of the miles during the week will be cross training done on the elliptical but I plan on getting my long ones done walking/jogging/hobbling(?) Honestly I wouldn't be doing this race if I hadn't deferred my registration from last year. I'm not necessarily excited about it. Of course, part of that might be because the weather has been HOT HOT HOT lately and it is unbearable to be outside. Hopefully Fall will show up in the next few weeks because I HATE HATE HATE walking/jogging or doing ANYTHING outside when it is so hot out. I'm also hoping my level of excitement revs up some and I can enjoy the day when it gets here. It is a beautiful course and I always have enjoyed it in the past. I don't know if I will register for any long races next year - maybe just some 5k's and 10k's... I'm not going to decide that now.

But this year, I plan on putting on my Team 413 shirt on October 20, 2013 and putting one foot in front of the other to get 13.1 miles in that day!

For now I need to get back into the habit of moving, get some weight off, and continue in my journey of healing. God has been so faithful and I am grateful for His guidance and help in my process thus far.

For now, it is off to bed I go so I can get up early in an effort to beat the heat in the morning to get my 5 miles in!

Running the race to the finish,


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

In my other world...

I wanted to share with my followers here my blog I posted on my other blog today: Single, Not Broken


Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Ramblings

This weekend hasn't gone ANYTHING like I planned. Of course, waking up with a headache both Saturday and Sunday did NOT help things any. However, I got a lot done in spite of it and even though I didn't get everything done I wanted to, things are progressing and that is always a good thing.

I had been thinking of purchasing my own domain name and self hosting - especially if I am going to write a book... I mean - especially because I AM going to write a book. So - that got done Saturday.... no, not the book, but the new self hosted website. It can be found here: I'd love to have some more "followers" so if you'd like to subscribe, you can subscribe via e-mail on the site. I am really happy with how it turned out and although I am sure it will still undergo changes it is a good start. If you check it out you can read about the drama about how I "broke" my website in the post I wrote yesterday... it was quite a couple days.

I wanted to get some writing done for the article(s) I am working on to submit for publication. My goal was to have it/them ready by the end of the 24 day #StartExp. However, I don't think that is going to happen. I have 2 rough drafts, some great ideas - but they are not polished and my brain just hasn't been focused to get there. My brain is kind of fried from all the computer work involved in getting my site up and going.

A guy on the #StartExperiment Facebook page started a group #mileaday to encourage people to try to walk/jog/bike/elliptical/treadmill - whatever for one mile a day for the month of September. Considering I haven't done much of anything lately and the 1/2 marathon is 7 weeks from yesterday I realized I needed to get off my arse and GET MOVING. So, last night I did a mile on the elliptical and today I did this.

It felt great to get moving again - and I even jogged a little bit of it. The rest of my day has been lazy.... I got to video chat with a girl from church who just started her freshman year of college. She's at my Alma Mater at NWMSU so it was fun. She gave me a bit of a tour via video of her room and down the hall where outside the lounge they can see the football field. She went to my church home down there and liked it and will probably be going back and that made me happy. I am planning to go visit her hopefully after my 1/2 marathon. I wanted to get laundry done but our machines are out of order so I hand washed a few things and will make it through the week if I have to.

So, there it is - my ramblings for the day... I'm not very cohesive in my thinking or writing tonight... which is why this blog will stay up and running... (HA - get it, running!?!?) This will be more of a personal blog and my other one more professional. I'm excited to see where God is going to take me in this journey. Unfortunately this journey also meant the need to spend some money on a new computer. My other one was toast and my Chromebook I've been using is only good for so many things. I really need a reliable computer to do the things I feel I am being called to do. I hated spending the money on it, but it is an investment in my future and my dreams so it's all good.

A friend of mine does a "Grat List" and sends it out via e-mail to those who want it. I was thinking of doing that - to help keep me more accountable in doing my gratitude list each day... would anyone be interested in receiving it? Comment here if so, or e-mail me... either one....

Thanks for joining me on the journey,


Thursday, August 29, 2013

I. Am. A. Writer.

I realized today I haven't blogged in several days and one goal I had was to write every day during the #StartExp. Then I realized I HAVE been writing every day. Something has changed.

I. Am. A. Writer.

I have been writing a lot, but some of it is stuff for articles, some possibly for my book... some of it just rambling and I don't want to post that stuff in my blogs. There is already a lot in my blogs that will probably be in my book... but I realized today... as I was driving down the road talking into my phone trying to get out what was in my head before I lost it...

I. Am. A. Writer.

So - for now... let me say I have been writing, I have been working on things to send for publishing. I have 2 article ideas... the first is a letter to my 12 year old self. I think it will be SO helpful in doing some serious healing that needs to happen so if it never gets published I think it still needs to be written. My second I got the idea for as I was driving to work this morning. That's the one I had to talk into my phone to get down.... still working on figuring some of it out as it didn't translate everything correctly from my voice. I am really excited about this possibility and see it as having a lot of potential.... an article about silence. I have always been the girl who had to have the radio or TV on in the background NO MATTER WHAT. Lately I have found I am enjoying the silence. That's all I'm going to say about that here... you're gonna have to wait for my published article on the subject and then I'll post a link to it.... because, you know...

I. Am. A. Writer.

And, while I use the computer or phone apps a lot, I DO sometimes use pen and paper... and this writer - she has a box of a dozen GREEN pens, because that's just how I roll.


Sherri... the writer :-)

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Hater in My Mind

I got today's assignment first thing this morning from Jon for the #StartExp (I can't believe it's Day 15 already!) Here is the assignment:
Today is national “Ignore a hater day.”

Oh, you didn’t know? That’s because I just invented it. Today, I want you to ignore one hater you’ve bumped into in the last week. Don’t respond to their tweet or facebook comment. Don’t answer their angry email. Don’t jump in the mud with them. Ignore them and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a little less negativity in your day. 

I thought, "This is easy - I haven't really had any haters hating on me." Then, when I got home from work I thought I would purchase my own domain name and set up my own blog. I chatted with someone from my #Start group on Facebook and they recommended a site and said they would walk me through it and said it was pretty easy. I logged on and took the plunge and was met with nothing but frustration. I even spent 30 minutes on the phone with tech support and then got disconnected. I got a refund and decided to just stick with Blogger for now. Then the voices started,
  • "You don't know what you are doing!"
  • "Who do you think you are to have your OWN website?"
  • "Does anyone REALLY want to hear what you say?"
  • "You're not good enough."
Then I realized what was happening and I realized my own voice was the hater and I began to ignore it. I am so good at listening to the lies that play on repeat in my own mind. I decided then and there to ignore those voices... to ignore the lies. That negativity has no place in my life anymore!

I know that what I have to say matters. I have had comments from people about things I have written and I know that my story can touch people's lives. God has made it clear to me that this is what He wants me to focus on and work hard on - whether it is all for my own healing process or also for others doesn't matter - I must follow where God is leading. I know that I am doing exactly what God wants me to do and THAT. IS. ALL. THAT. MATTERS.

Ignoring the hater voices and pressing on to all that God has called me to,
