I've been missing in action lately. I have really been struggling with eating well and keeping up with my exercise. At the beginning of the year I decided I would run the DM half marathon and not do a full marathon this year. I wanted to focus on being more balanced... and getting myself together spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. However, I soon realized that running and having those exercise goals in front of me is a KEY component of my spiritual, emotional, and mental health.
I was going through my Runners World magazines and came across an article from last winter. This is a quote from the beginning of the article: "Like many runners, you probably set a resolution last January. You planned to enter your first race, or set a PR. Congratulations if you did it. But if life got in the way - plans got pushed back, runs got derailed - don't despair. There's still time to make good on a goal, even if you have to rethink it a bit. 'Modifying a goal is truly the sign of a wise runner.' says Jenny Hadfield, co-author of Marathoning for Mortals. 'Instead of lamenting what you haven't accomplished, use the fitness you have to reach a target that's achievable in the time you have left.'"
This quote really spoke to me. At the beginning of the year I had these grand plans of logging all my miles each week and attaining a certain number of miles at the end of the year. I really slacked off on that and have hardly run at all until this past week. After my truck crash, my back hurt so bad I was afraid to run. I gained back about 40 pounds of the almost 90 I had lost and was feeling very discouraged. Then, I decided to do the marathon this year. But I still was struggling... buying a half a gallon of ice cream and eating it in two days certainly didn't help. UGH! I realized that Sunday May 1 marks 24 weeks until the marathon. Most training schedules are 18 weeks long which leaves me 6 weeks to get myself back in shape to even begin to train for a marathon!
I registered to run a 5K this morning but almost didn't even get out of bed this morning to go. I was so tired and it was cloudy and dreary outside. But, something pushed me out of bed... my own stubbornness and determination perhaps? Regardless, I got there and ran and walked a 5K in just under 50 minutes... SO SLOW! But, I did it and I was happy! Then they were drawing for prizes. I was disappointed not to win the 3 free training sessions at my gym... I could have really used that. They drew for some water bottles, and I thought, "That's what I'll probably win... if I win anything... I have too many the way it is!" They finally drew for the GRAND PRIZE... a bodybugg. This is a calorie burning tracker that they use on The Biggest Loser. I've always wanted one, but they are expensive so I didn't get one. Well, guess what.... Yep... I WON IT!
So, tomorrow marks 24 weeks until the DM marathon. I will lose this weight I've gained back... and more. I will get back to eating healthy. I will get back into my exercise routine. In doing all this, I will need to manage my time better. I will get my Sunday School stuff done, I will spend more time in prayer, I will go to my counseling appointments, I will get HEALTHY in every sense of the word. With God's help, with AMAZING friends I WILL do it!! Remember, I'm not stubborn... I'm determined!!
Running the race to the finish!