Saturday, June 26, 2010

Determination and Focus!

Since Dam to Dam I haven't been doing so well. I bruised my right big toe and have now lost almost the entire toenail and it is a little sore. I have had a hard time getting out there lately with a lot of stuff going on. However, tomorrow is 16 weeks until the marathon and most training plans are 16 weeks, so I feel pretty good about getting back at it next week. I've got to plug away to accomplish this goal. I got a "new" training plan from - here is my new 16 week plan.

It's going to be a lot of hard work, but I am determined to do this and know that I can. I just have to stay focused!

Week 2 on Saturday I am running Midnight Madness in Ames - it's a 5K run in downtown Ames and is a lot of fun. That's a little "extra run" I'm throwing in there!

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total
1 3 4 3 Rest 5 Rest Rest 15
2 3 4 3 Rest 6 3.1 * Rest 19.1
3 3 4 3 Rest 7 Rest Rest 17
4 3 5 3 Rest 8 Rest Rest 19
5 3 5 3 Rest 10 Rest Rest 21
6 4 5 4 Rest 11 Rest Rest 24
7 4 6 4 Rest 12 Rest Rest 26
8 4 6 4 Rest 14 Rest Rest 28
9 4 7 4 Rest 16 Rest Rest 31
10 5 8 5 Rest 16 Rest Rest 34
11 5 8 5 Rest 17 Rest Rest 35
12 5 8 5 Rest 18 Rest Rest 36
13 5 8 5 Rest 20 Rest Rest 38
14 5 8 5 Rest 9 Rest Rest 27
15 3 5 3 Rest 8 Rest Rest 19
16 3 Rest 3 2 Rest Rest 26.2 34.2