WOW - that really hit me. It is my prayer that God uses the heartache and hopelessness I've experienced and gotten through by HIS grace to be able to help others. It is my prayer that God can use my pain and tears to reach others for Him. Chris also gave me a card which said:
I've been doing a lot of thinking and praying the past few weeks. I've been trying to figure out why I put 50 lbs back on over the past year and how I let my exercise habits get so bad after doing so well and running/walking a marathon a year ago. I realized something big... for so long I've wanted to lose the weight and work out for me... because I wanted to feel better and look better. As I've been reading the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan in Sunday School I've been convicted that this life is NOT about me - it's about God and bringing honor and glory to Him. I became convicted that I need to get serious about losing the weight because it will honor God. My body is His temple and I WANT to honor Him with my whole life.
I'm excited about doing this 1/2 marathon on Sunday for many reasons. It is a testimony of all God has done in me over this past year. He has done so much healing in my heart and life. I do not feel physically capable to embark on this journey. However, I know that, as the theme verse of Team 413 ministry says, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." It is in HIS power that I will do this half marathon on Sunday... and it is in His power and His grace that I will seek to live each day!
A big thank you to all my wonderful friends and family who have supported, encouraged, and loved me - you are a wonderful gift and blessing in my life!!
Running the race in His grace and strength,