Monday, January 7, 2013

Truth Is...

* This was actually posted January 3, 2013 - I changed the date so it would show up in the right year as it was listed in 2012 since it was written in the last week of 2012, which was also the first week of 2013. :-)

For any of you who are familiar with Facebook, you are familiar with the fad for teens to put "Truth is..." on their status update and then if their friends "like" the status they will write a "Truth is" statement on their friends Facebook wall. Well, this has been burning in my heart today to write a "Truth is..." blog post. So, buckle up here it goes...

Most of the time when I write a blog I am very careful about how I come across... I want people to know that I deeply love God and that I have a deep faith in Christ. And, while this is always true...the truth is I don't always feel that way.

  • truth is there are days where I cry much more than I smile or laugh.
  • truth is sometimes the pain in my heart  is much to heavy for me to bear.
  • truth is there are days I wonder what purpose God has for me being on this earth.
  • truth is I sometimes feel completely alone even in a room full of people.
  • truth is there are days I literally drag myself out of bed in the morning to just do what I HAVE to do to survive.
  • truth is sometimes I feel like nothing but a failure.
  • truth is there are days I just want to crawl into a hole and hide.
  • truth is sometimes I have to force myself to Read God's Word, Pray, Meditate on Him through music.
  • truth is there are days I just want to rebel and do EVERYTHING I know I shouldn't do.
  • truth is sometimes I just want to throw in the towel and chuck my faith.
I feel like I need to say, that just because I feel this way sometimes - I remain rooted in my love for God and faith in Christ. But, sometimes the best thing you can tell someone who is feeling one of these ways I listed, or struggling with something is, "That sucks, I'm really sorry." Because really, when I'm in this mode, I don't need to hear some list of all of the "Truths of God" - I know all that stuff and remain rooted there, but sometimes life just does suck (saying something "super spiritual" to someone who is really struggling is sometimes what is needed, but be wary of the Jesus Juke - (If you're not familiar with the term Jesus Juke -read about it here)

Anyway, that's what's on my heart today - just felt the need to share the truth of where I live some days,


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Building Consistency... Not Perfection

* This was actually posted January 1, 2013 - I changed the date so it would show up in the right year as it was listed in 2012 since it was written in the last week of 2012, which was also the first week of 2013. :-)

As I said in my last blog, I'm not one for making New Year's Resolutions because it seems like no matter what I do or how hard I try I end up failing and then chucking all my goals. However, I do have some goals and my friend Gabe said it best in the blog he posted in our "Read Through the Bible in a Year" blog: "However, this is supposed to be an encouragement, not a discouragement.  So if you miss a day, make it up if you can or just skip it.  Don't cave to the temptation that says, "Well, I missed 2 days so I guess I'll just quit."  If you miss a day, no sweat.  It's about building consistency...not perfection." 

I am continuing on my striving to be healthy physically, emotionally and spiritually... this isn't a New Year's Resolution - it's something I've been working on for quite some time. However, being the "New Year" I thought it was a good time to try some new things. First: I am doing the M'Cheyne one year Bible reading plan. I love that there is an app on my phone for this and on days I might be busier I can listen or I can do as I did today and listen while I read. I'm looking forward to working on this discipline of spending time in God's Word consistently. And as Gabe said above - "It's about building consistency...not perfection."

Second: I am starting to use the Lose It website. This is a great free website for logging food and exercise and tracking weight loss. Again, there's an app for my phone which really helps me. I also got an idea off a post on Facebook to do this:

I filled a cup with the number of marbles of pounds I want to lose. I really don't have a great idea of the actual weight I want to get down to but this is a ballpark figure. I think it will be fun to be able to have this visual. Truth is there may be weeks where a marble goes from the "pounds lost cup" to the "pounds to lose cup". However, as Gabe said, "It's about building consistency...not perfection."

Lastly: I am going to continue to see my counselor and work on reading some books that I think will help me in becoming more emotionally healthy. Will there be times where I waste time playing a game or watching TV rather than reading or doing something else beneficial for my emotional health? Yes... but again, "It's about building consistency...not perfection."

So, with all this in mind, I am thankful today for serving a God Who meets me where I am,  Who will pick me up when I fall, Who will forgive me when I sin, and Who most importantly will NEVER GIVE UP ON ME!

Striving for consistency, not perfection,
