I had been thinking of purchasing my own domain name and self hosting - especially if I am going to write a book... I mean - especially because I AM going to write a book. So - that got done Saturday.... no, not the book, but the new self hosted website. It can be found here: http://www.nottoobrokenforGod.com/ I'd love to have some more "followers" so if you'd like to subscribe, you can subscribe via e-mail on the site. I am really happy with how it turned out and although I am sure it will still undergo changes it is a good start. If you check it out you can read about the drama about how I "broke" my website in the post I wrote yesterday... it was quite a couple days.
I wanted to get some writing done for the article(s) I am working on to submit for publication. My goal was to have it/them ready by the end of the 24 day #StartExp. However, I don't think that is going to happen. I have 2 rough drafts, some great ideas - but they are not polished and my brain just hasn't been focused to get there. My brain is kind of fried from all the computer work involved in getting my site up and going.

A guy on the #StartExperiment Facebook page started a group #mileaday to encourage people to try to walk/jog/bike/elliptical/treadmill - whatever for one mile a day for the month of September. Considering I haven't done much of anything lately and the 1/2 marathon is 7 weeks from yesterday I realized I needed to get off my arse and GET MOVING. So, last night I did a mile on the elliptical and today I did this.
It felt great to get moving again - and I even jogged a little bit of it. The rest of my day has been lazy.... I got to video chat with a girl from church who just started her freshman year of college. She's at my Alma Mater at NWMSU so it was fun. She gave me a bit of a tour via video of her room and down the hall where outside the lounge they can see the football field. She went to my church home down there and liked it and will probably be going back and that made me happy. I am planning to go visit her hopefully after my 1/2 marathon. I wanted to get laundry done but our machines are out of order so I hand washed a few things and will make it through the week if I have to.
So, there it is - my ramblings for the day... I'm not very cohesive in my thinking or writing tonight... which is why this blog will stay up and running... (HA - get it, running!?!?) This will be more of a personal blog and my other one more professional. I'm excited to see where God is going to take me in this journey. Unfortunately this journey also meant the need to spend some money on a new computer. My other one was toast and my Chromebook I've been using is only good for so many things. I really need a reliable computer to do the things I feel I am being called to do. I hated spending the money on it, but it is an investment in my future and my dreams so it's all good.
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