Monday, April 1, 2013

When Taking Care of Yourself is the Least Selfish Thing You Can Do

As I've been on this journey of healing, specifically over the past 11 months I've struggled as I've stepped back from "active ministry". I had a good discussion about this with my counselor today and it gave me a whole new take on things. If I was just living with the pain and not dealing with it and trying to minister I wouldn't be effective in ministry. By dealing with the pain and working on the healing process, I am really denying myself even though it feels as though I am being selfish.  I am working through all of this because I WANT to be healthy. I want to be used by God and be able to minister effectively for His Kingdom and I can't do that until I work through some things and that is going to take a little time yet. In the meantime I cling to what my former counselor said, "There is no pain without purpose." - this statement reminds me of one of my favorite verses... Romans 8:28

Even as I'm going through this journey - it is my hope and prayer that I am a living, breathing, walking example of one whose Hope is resting COMPLETELY in Christ. I am so grateful for friends along the journey who believed for me when I couldn't believe and for God who NEVER GIVES UP ON ME!

Holding on to Hope,


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