I admit, I don't watch American Idol and had not heard of Mandisa until a friend mentioned her to me on Facebook. I quickly Googled her, listened to some of her music, and read her book. Her story and mine parallel in many ways (except I can NOT sing like her - not even close!) She is a huge inspiration to me.
As I read her book, there were several times I thought to myself, "I could have written that word for word." Or, "I feel EXACTLY the same way!"
A few quotes:
"Sometimes I succeed. Sometimes I fail. Being perfect is not what makes me a Christian. Being in a relationship with the one holy God makes me a Christian."
"I'd tumbled into the pit of despair, reaching for pizza boxes an bags of munchies instead of the Word of God. Instead of calling on the Lord to lift me out, I kept dialing Papa John's in an effort to fill my needs."
"The world has enough singers. What the world lacks are people who are willing to be transparent in their walk with Jesus. I want everything from my music to this book to point to the Lord and reveal how I've come to understand that, even in difficult times, Jesus is there and He has a purpose for everything."
"Through counseling and prayer I am going to confront the hurts of my past and lay them to rest. I am going to turn them over to Jesus, who knows what pain is. He knows how suffering hurts. He has tasted shame and humiliation; He watched His friends desert Him in His hour of need. No matter what you or I have been through, Jesus knows our pain. And He bore it, Scripture tells us, because of the joy He knew would be His afterward (see Hebrews 12:2) Struggling with your addiction, whatever it is, won't be easy - nothing worth doing ever is. But the victory that follows will be worth the struggle."
(** All above quotes are from "Idol Eyes" by Mandisa Copyright © 2007 by Mandisa Hundley)
There were many more quotes - but you really should read the book yourself. She also talks about "diets" and how the focus should not be on diets but on healthy eating - something I believe and have been working on figuring out how to do. Her book is available on Amazon and there is a Kindle edition. It is a great read! Mandisa went through her parent's divorcing, abuse, suffers from emotional eating issues/binging, she is in her 30's and is single with no kids. We share SO much. But even if you don't share those things - her book is for anyone who has ever been disappointed, anyone who has ever struggled with an addiction. I love what the back cover of the book says, "I AM NOT THE AMERICAN IDOL. I'm a plus sized, thirty-year old black woman whose heart belongs to Jesus. I'M JUST MANDISA, and this is my story."
So, why am I writing about this now? TONIGHT - I get to see her in concert with one of my best friends! Now, anyone who knows me knows I am NOT a crowd person but this is in a church so those concerts are always a little less crowded. And, I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to hopefully meet this amazing woman of God. I even bought a hard copy of the book in hopes that I will meet her and have a chance to talk to her and have her sign it. (I'm not really "into" the celebrity thing - but this is just a down to earth Christian woman who has, through her opportunities been given a grander stage) It would just be so cool to talk to her! I have heard they do meet and greets at her concerts (she will be performing with Brandon Heath). I am hoping and praying I have the chance to meet her.... stay tuned for more after the concert.
Giddy with excitement,
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