I have only flown once in my life and I was in 8th grade at the time - yeah, that was only a few years ago. I didn't have a bad experience - I actually enjoyed it. However, since that time it is not something I've ever had much of a desire to do. Chalk that up to being a home body and really not wanting to go anywhere anyway. Well, a few weeks back I decided to stop living life in fear and step out of my comfort zone and go to see my family in Colorado the week of Thanksgiving. I was planning on driving - I was looking forward to the time to pray, listen to God's Word, worship.... I mean how often does one get 12 hours set aside to do that? However, something hit me tonight and I realized fear was one of my big reasons for not wanting to fly. God spoke to my heart and challenged me to not live in that fear. So, I got online and I ordered my plane ticket. I am now booked on a flight to Denver on the 16th of November and will return to Iowa the 23rd. I have a house/cat sitter lined up and now all I have to do is get through the next couple of weeks and I will be off to the land where God lives. (Yes, I know God is everywhere and there are people who say, "No, this isn't Heaven, it's Iowa", but as far as I'm concerned - God lives in Colorado!) LOL

Seriously, I can not wait to spend time with my amazing Aunt, Uncle, Cousins, and my wonderful friend Debra and her family. I can't wait to see all my fur cousins and to wake up every morning to the view of the mountains. It's a good thing Buddy is staying home or I might not come back!
Learning to let go of fear,
So proud of your courage to confront your fears. "God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, and of love and of a sound mind". We have been empowered to defeat every thought that comes against us. We have been given the living word of God. For every fear, doubt, insecurity or pain there is a healing word that will break the bondages and set us free. :)